Studies have shown that solving puzzles is the best way to grow your mind and become smarter than you are!
Today in this article you’ll get to solve some amazing puzzles and let’s see if you can solve the 3rd puzzle in our list, as only 2% people were able to solve that.
10. Logical Geometry Puzzle
You have got a L-shaped figure with the side dimensions written besides them. Now, divide this L-shaped figure into 4 pieces of equal shape and size.

9. Relationship Riddle
John says, “Brothers and sisters, I have none but this man’s father is my father’s son. Who is the man?”
8. Matchstick Puzzle
In this picture, we have 9 sticks that make 3 equal triangles. Move any 2 sticks and make 4 equal triangles.

7. Car Parking Puzzle
In this picture puzzle, can you find what’s the car’s parking spot number?

6. Picture Puzzle
Can you find out what’s wrong in this picture?
And for your information, there’s 96% people who can’t really do it. So, let’s check, if you are in the 4% genius category.

5. Find Mistake in Picture
A picture puzzle that went viral quite a few times. Can you find the mistake in this picture?

4. Arithmetic Puzzle
Use your math skills and get the value of each of the fruits.

3. Most Challenging Puzzle
The most challenging puzzle, that only 2% people in the world can solve.
You have 30 litres of Water Can, an empty 11 litre container, and an empty container of 7 litres. How can you empty exactly half of the Can of water using only the 11 litre and 7 litre containers?

2. Matchstick Puzzle
You have this number 508 written with matchsticks, you have to move any 2 matchsticks and make the biggest possible 3-digit number.

1. Mathematical Picture Puzzle
This puzzle went viral all over the internet, and now let’s see why? How many numbers can you find hidden in this picture of numbers.