Tim Grover is known as THE Trainer in the world of athletics. He is the founder and CEO of Attack athletics and the most renowned coach and trainer of the iconic basketball player Michael Jordon. Tim Grover has also trained the most legendary Hall of Fame players in the basketball which includes the big names of Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade, Charles Barkley and many more.
Tim Grover with Dwayne Wade Tim Grover with Kobe Bryant
Tim Grover is the world’s greatest body and mind trainer and Michael Jordon says, “He’s second to none.” And truly these reasons are enough why Tim Grover is known as the man for mental toughness and domination. He has written multiple books and the most popular of which is the Relentless – From good to great to unstoppable.
Today we look at the top 5 greatest principles of Tim Grover that can truly make you the unstoppable guy in your zone.
5. Why Tim Grover is known as “THE TRAINER”?
Tim Grover is known as THE TRAINER not a trainer, because he very profoundly believes that,
There’s a lot of people that are ‘A SOMETHING’
there are very few people who are ‘THE SOMETHING’
And this is the kind of mentality that separates the common from the different. The term THE here signifies the top-level player in any area, and zone, that no one ever can match to him.
When Tim Grover was provided an option to be a gym trainer after his degree in kinesiology, he chose to be the body trainer for the most elite athletic players in the world, and with his shear determination and focus he made it being the body trainer for Michael Jordon for more than 15 years. This idea here explains that you need to be so focused and
obsessed about your identity that whenever the counting begins, you have a
second to none competition for yourself.
Tim Grover categorizes all the individuals in three different levels, COOLERS, CLOSERS & CLEANERS.
Coolers are the average people and those who if given a defined set of tasks and provided no variable in between can achieve that.
Closers are the people level above them, they can get you the end results but provided that not a lot of variables are thrown at them.
But CLEANERS are elite performers and are the individuals who can get you the end results over and over again, no matter how many variables are thrown over them, and what the path is. It doesn’t matter what the circumstances are, what situation they have dealt at home or work, they can achieve the end result over and over again.
The two most important traits of a CLEANER are – One – they can repeat it, not for one time, not for 2 time, but over and over again, as many times they want it. And two – they elevate their performance each time they come back to the game. And that’s the critical one, because there’s only a few individuals who can elevate their performance by a little benchmark even though they are the peak of the performance.
3. The incredibly dangerous words – ‘ONLY’ & ‘JUST’
Tim Grover says that ONLY & JUST are the most dangerous words, and if you are a CLEANER or wanna be a CLEANER, then you better not use these words any time.
Everything matters, and if you take any situation and take out the only and just words out of it, it changes the whole phrase. It shows the definiteness and the shear deep intension when you remove these words.
‘This is just a game, this is a game’
‘I’m just gonna smoke cigarette for once.’
Adding these dangerous words shows the individual’s preparation of their mental stand point of how weak they really are. Be careful of these words, TRAP words.
2. “There’s no beast mode, there are just beasts.”
Some people try to say that they only act during the most serious and difficult moments. But for the cleaners every situation is an opportunity to attack on. Attacking is their addiction. And addiction never stops.
Cleaners are never turned on and off, they are always in their mode, and they are always attacking to every little opportunity that comes to them. Cleaners cherish the pressure moments, and Tim Grover puts it down very intensively that PRESSURE is PRIVILEGE. If you do not the pressure, you can never grow.
If your boss puts you in a pressure situation, that’s a privilege, he believes in you, you better deliver, because if you don’t, that situation goes to somebody else, and you may never get that opportunity again.
1. What is RELENTLESS?
Relentless is the next level unsatisfied pursuit inside the individuals that craves them for more and more. For coolers and closers, when then win a match they go partying around, but when a cleaner win’s a match, he goes to the gym preparing for the next battle to be fought.
As Tim Grover himself states, RELENTLESS is a BRUTAL VERB that means to take every thing in your control.
Relentless is not just in sports, but its everywhere, in life, business and everywhere. Relentless is all about life, its where competing and winning matters, everything matters. It’s about celebrating the pressures and going even harder when everyone else had enough. Relentless is about, always keeping that extra competitive edge between you and the next guy.
And to concise what relentless means in five words. It is –
Relentless is simply demanding more of yourself, where mind thinks DONE, but instincts say NEXT.